Apple breaks Beeper’s iMessage app again as company tries rallying users

Kevin Purdy for Ars Technica:

[Migicovsky] wrote that it was up to the press and the community. “If there’s enough pressure on Apple, they will have to quit messing with us.” “Us,” he clarified, meant both Apple’s customers using iMessage and Android users trying to chat securely with iPhone friends.

“That’s who they’re penalizing,” he wrote. “It’s not a Beeper vs. Apple fight, it’s Apple versus customers.”

I mean, no? As an iPhone user, I already have access to iMessage and can communicate with my friends on other apps if needed. Beeper hasn’t improved my life in any way so I’d say this does little to help Apple’s actual customers. If anything, this is Beeper creating a broken, unreliable experience for Android users. They actually aren’t Apple customers.

What concerns me a bit is that, as the article mentions, “[Beeper is a] third party introduced into what was previously an entirely Apple-controlled stack of servers, messages, and devices”. I didn’t sign up to have my messages sent through a company that’s reverse-engineered iMessages for non-Apple devices. It’s almost Beeper versus Apple’s customers.

Gee, I wonder why Apple wouldn’t be cool with that?