Threads still sucks

Against my better judgment, I decided to give Threads another try, and it’s only marginally better than I remembered, which was pretty awful. The main “For You” feed is filled with generic, uninteresting, often offensive comments and bland questions that have been asked a million times in other places or shouldn’t be asked anywhere. It all feels so synthetic; people posting something, anything for engagement.

One change Meta made while I was using the app was burying the “Following” feed, making the thing practically unusable. You’re forced to dig through Meta’s half-assed attempt to emulate Bluesky’s feeds menu to see the content you want to read. I really can't stress enough how truly awful the "For You" feed is.

For example, a guy asks his followers what the female equivalent of video games is. It’s video games, you moron. This wouldn’t be such a big deal if it wasn’t so constant and if it wasn’t recommended to me based on some nebulous algorithm that clearly knows little to nothing about me other than that I like video games.

What’s worse, nobody called this clown on the question. People just answered it and played right into the sexism. On Threads, you can almost feel the brain cells dying the more you scroll and try to refine the feed. Eventually, you must cut your (minimal) losses and move on.