Weeknotes 003

I knew getting into a regular cadence with these updates would be an uphill battle but it’s been particularly tough to get motivated this year. I’ve fallen into a bit of a depressing spiral lately but my family has been super supportive and helped keep me on track. This, like most things, will pass.

Gaming drought

I haven’t had much to play lately after burning out on Baldur’s Gate 3. I thought about maybe trying Diablo IV again but opted instead for the mindless zombie looter State of Decay 2 while I wait for Persona 3 Reload. Though maybe I should give Dragon’s Dogma another spin to prep for 2?


I built a uses page after going down a bit of a rabbit hole around discoverability on the indieweb the other day. Specifically, I found a site by way of Matt Stein that showcased different “uses” pages from others around the web and decided to make my own version of one.

It was a fun little exercise, having to distill the many things I use into a simple, digestible list. It’s also handy to have a record of which models of things I’m using in case I decide to upgrade anything at some point.


As I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions, my lovely wife got me a record player for Christmas so I’ve been hoovering up whatever records I can find. Is This Thing Cursed? by Alkaline Trio gets here today actually. I’ve been giving some thought to building some kind of a “Collections” page but I’m not sure if it’s worth the effort at this point. Regardless, my record collection stands at fifteen and growing.


My blog does this thing that I thought at one point was neat where it changes the accent colour on every page change/refresh. I’m starting to think it’s a bit annoying? I don’t know, maybe I’ll remove it. We’ll see.

I started using a service called Letterbird by the folks at Good Enough, who also make PIKA. It’s a neat idea that gives you a super basic (but customizable) contact form, which is sometimes all you need. I love the work they do: really simple solutions to specific problems. Great stuff.


Keenan showed off their new blogroll and it looks great. It’s a bit overwhelming to be included amongst so many great sites but I’m thoroughly flattered nonetheless.

Recent reads

I’ve finally dug into my graphic novel backlog a bit, finishing Night Fever and Where The Body Was, both by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. I really can’t get enough of their work. They’re by far the most consistent team in comics. I don’t know what they’re doing next but I know I’m buying it.

Where The Body Was had a particularly interesting angle, telling a story across multiple perspectives, even going so far as including a map of the neighbourhood so readers could orient themselves throughout the story.